ICC Joins hands with Honorable PM Narendra Modi in fighting COVID-19

Accura for ERM

Accura for ERM

Lint loss, Fiber rupture and high Nep generation are things of the past! Our uniquely designed Accura beater segment enhances the cleaning efficiency of the ERM and drastically reduces lint loss in ERM waste. The pinned segment is designed to gently open fiber tufts and minimizing fiber rupture. The perforated casting removes only trash and foreign particles thus reducing Nep generation and improving efficiency of the overall process. Give your card clothing enhanced life and superior quality with Accura for ERM.

ICC continues to be a leader in carding solutions with path breaking solutions that helps the textile and non-woven industry in producing top-notch products.

How can we help you?

Let us know your card clothing needs and we assure you to provide the best of solutions, products and services.

Looking for top-notch carding solutions? We can help.